Sunday, May 31, 2009

It's been a long time....

Piper Marie Stiles @ 16 weeks

Me at almost 19 weeks

Josh and me comparing bellies.

Time to be cute.

Well, since I was last on here Josh and I found out that we are going to have a baby. Yes, that's right I said a baby. She is to be born on October 31. We (actually I) decided to name her Piper Marie Stiles. As of now I am alost 19 weeks along. It has not been an easy road so far. In the first trimester I lost a total of 9 pounds and have since gained 4 of those pounds back. It was all thanks to the morning sickness. I am still dealing with the morning sickness at least twice a week and I am always nauseated followed by heartburn.
When I hit the 17th week I developed severe lower back and left hip pain. This is all thanks to a skating injury from the 6th grade.....I cracked my tailbone. Apparently I have nerve damage now that I get to deal with. Walking, sleeping, sitting, standing, and pretty much everything that I do hurts really badly. My worst episodes happen after 5pm everyday.....which leave me in tears and fighting to keep the screams away. Last night was the worst I have ever felt in my life. All I did was twist maybe 4 inches to the left on my couch and I actually had a blood curdling scream that scared me. Kind of funny though because I didn't know I had that kind of power in my lungs. I am on muscle relaxers and awaiting the physical therapist to set of my appointment. If these things don't alleviate the pain then I could be put on bed rest and I don't want that. Anyways, that's about all for now. I will be posting more often as life starts to unfold for us. Enjoy the pictures that have been taken with my new camera.


Nicole said...

congrats on a little girl!! I miss you! When can you do lunch?

Emily said...

Aww, how exciting. Congrats Kelly. I hope you start feeling better, that stinks that you've felt bad this whole time. Piper is such a cute name!