Thursday, June 4, 2009

Physical Therapy

Well, it is now day 3 of my physical therapy. I will have to say long as you do the work you will feel the improvement. Yes, I'm still in pain, but I found out exactly what is wrong with me. Here goes:

1) My sciatic nerve is pulled not pinched
2) My muscles, other nerves, and tendons are all pulled on the left side of my behind
3) My left pelvic bone is basically locked in a backward facing position

My therapist says that it's odd seeing is how when you are pregnant everything in your pelvis region is supposed to be loose and stretchy. Well, my right side is loose while the left side is not. I have been told my entire life that I'm in the 2% of American who are just weird.....I told me therapist this and she agreed that I am in the 2% of weird pregnancy patients seeking physical therapy. I am only 19 weeks along and I have had swelling for several weeks now....again she said that was not normal and my OB/GYN agrees with her.

So far my pain is still there, but I don't have to walk funny in order to be more comfortable and I've had no screamming episodes for the past 2 days. This may not be exciting new to some, but to me and Josh it is a real blessing. Anyways, that's all for now.


Nicole said...

I will be praying for you!!

Let me know about lunch. I am only working across the street for one more week!!

Jessica said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! I hope you are feeling well.