Well, Piper has officially found her toes and is rolling over constantly. For the past 2 weeks she has been waking herself up every 15 to 40 minutes from 2 am until 6 or 6:30 in the morning....no matter what time she goes down for bed at night. She has so much personality that it just seems impossible that she's only 5 months old. Here is what she's up to these days:
-She likes to feed herself (I balance the bottle while she tries to hold it).
-She is now in size 3 diapers (cruisers)
-She wants to crawl so bad that she can taste it.
-She is a rolly polly
-and a weeble woble who loves to stand as much as she loves her daddy (which is a bunch)
-She sure does have a temper on her....she wants things to be done a certain way.
-She only says ma-ma when she's mad or really tired
-She gets about 45-50 ounces of breastmilk everyday (yes, I'm still pumping every single day every 3-4 hours)
-She sleeps from when her head hits the mattress until 2 and then it's a battle to stay asleep.
-She takes a 2-3 hour nap in the earlier part of the day and takes 2 40 minute naps later in the day to make up for lost sleep.
-She is wearing 6-9 month clothes
-She smiles all the time
-She likes to bite mommy and daddy's thumbs and forearms
-She still doesn't really like the binky very much, she just prefers her fingers
-She is an early riser and a night owl all rolled into one
-She's the greatest accomplishment of my life!
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