Friday, January 28, 2011

Business, School, Building, and being a mom!

This is really late, but Merry Christmas!

Life has flown by since early October.  We celebrated Piper's 1st birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, my parents 38th wedding anniversary, New Years, and my MIL 50th birthday! That's alot of celebrating to do!

Life has just flown by so much.  Piper is now 15 months old and is a toddler. She is into everything. I just love it.  I'm in my last semester to get an Associates degree in Arts!  WOOHOO! Finally I'll be able to call myself a college graduate.  This Fall I'm entering back into the U of A to start my Bachelor's program back up.  The plan is to be teaching Jr. High or Sr. High History and be a Pom Squad coach to that school. 

We are also currently trying to build our home in Farmington.  My poor husband is working practically nonstop!  When I go to school in the mornings he is the one to get Piper up and ready for the day.  When it's his morning she likes to start their day off at 6 a.m. (I leave the house around 5:30 a.m.) and when it's my morning she likes to get  up at 7 a.m. She lets me sleep an extra hour, isn't she just the sweetest!

Well, to help out with my school expenses I have started up my own fashion company.  The name is officially Swingin' Styles.  Piper was the inspiration for it and it took my dad to help me get in going.  I just sold my first dress yesterday and will sell my first two paintings next week.  You'll have to check out that blog to find out more. 

That's all for now!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the family pic.