Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Almost at 29 weeks.....

Well, I am into the 3rd trimester of my fisrt pregnancy. So far I have only gained 4 pounds and it sounds like I may only gain another 3 or 4 pounds. Right now Piper weighs in at 2 pounds and 9 ounces and the placenta they are estimating around 1 pound 5 ounces. So that is all of the weight accounted for. I know that these numbers sound scarey because technically I should have gained 15 pounds or so, but I along with my daughter are very healthy. Everyone (pregnant or wanting to become pregnant) has been asking me what my secret is.....here it is.

I am a vegetarian now (I eat hard cheeses, eggs, and butter still) and I exercise daily and keep my core muscles pulled in at all times.

Crazy.......I know that's how it sounds, but it is partially true.

The real secret is just the fact that I already had 20 extra pounds to spare....by doing the above items I have allowed my daughter to just take my fat supply instead of putting on extra. Hopefully by Thanksgiving I will be back down to a much healthier weight of 145. We shall see.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Stomach Virus

Well, on top of being 26 weeks pregnant today I also have developed the dreadful stomach virus that is going around NWA. Josh had it last week and now I have it this week. I feel terrible. I just wish the virus would end like RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!

Anyways....this Saturday my mom and I (and hopefull my sister, Julie) will be heading down to Ft. Smith to the A to Z store. We are going to try and find an unfinished dresser for the nursery along with checking out their flooring options. Josh and his dad are going to be ripping up the carpets in our house so we can put down wood laminate floors in the living room, hallway, and nursery. This will be done by the middle of August.

That's all for now!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Frazzled because time is running out!

Well, this is going to be a picture free post because my computer at home is not hooked up. We have moved it out of the nursery and into the living room, but haven't plugged it back in yet. I'm hoping I can get it figured out tonight.

On to the frazzled part of today's blog:

I have realized over the weekend that I don't have very much time left before Piper is born. It is the middle of July with October just around the corner. October sounds so far away but it's not. Am I really ready to become a mom? I don't really know for sure about that one. I'm the type of person who gets excited after the event has already happened. Am I a bad mother-to-be for not necessarily being overjoyed and filled with so much excitement that I'm actually pregnant? You tell me. I am 24 weeks and 6 days into this pregnancy and it just feels as if I've always been pregnant and that Piper has always been a part of me. I'm curious if any of you out there felt similar when you were pregnant.

Anyways, there is so much to be done at my house to get it ready because we also want to sell it. We still have to tear up all of the carpets to install new wood laminate floors in the living room, hallway, and nursery along with new carpet in the guest room and master bedroom. I have to paint 4 rooms along with their baseboards still. I need to get a new dinette set and fix our front porch. We have to put in a few new pieces of siding on the house along with a new window and back door. We have to repaint and resurface the garage floor (if you know my husband then you understand....he's a mechanic by trade and hobby). Plus, we also have to fix the backyard...I have two dogs that each weigh over 100lbs. They like to dig.....ALOT!!!

This week I am putting on a pom squad dance camp for the Lincoln Jr. High squad. This will be interesting. I have had alot of fun making up the dances because they are so different, here are the songs: Thriller by MJ, Candy Man by Christina Aguilera, Shawty Get Loose by Lil Mamma, She's Country by Jason Aldean, and 409 by the Beach Boys. I hope the girls really like the dances along with their coach of course. In August I get to do another camp for the Sr. High squad....they are wanting jazz so that will be fun.

Okay, I swear this is almost over....on to a little bit of pregnancy news.

I have gained a total of 5 pounds. My doctor says that's really good and that I should only gain about another 15lbs or so if I keep doing what I'm doing. All Piper is doing these days is practicing her kicks and punches. Over the weekend we went to a motocross race to watch Josh, Caleb, and Asa race. Piper loved it the most when Josh was racing. She got really active and flipped twice while he was racing. Anytime we talk about dirtbikes she gets active.....this should be a good sign that she'll want to race when she's 4. She is also a total daddy's girl already. If I think about Josh or even just mention his name she gets jumpy. If Josh is around and she can hear him she gets even more jumpy. The best is when he talks just to her....her movements are so strong that everyone is visible from the outside. I know that he is already her slave for life.

Well....that's all for now. I get to go home and mow the lawn and water my plants after work......oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention this. I get to be a stay-at-home-mom with Piper. YEAH ME!!!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hello everyone...it's been a little while since my last post. Well a few things have happened since then. My best friend got married, I went to a family reunion, and I started the nesting part on my house. Enjoy a few of the wedding photos taken at the Stables on the Hill.

Josh (my husband) and Sara

Me and Sara

Me and Ben

Reflections of a blushing bride

Sean and Sara

Me doing the bride's makeup

Sara and Weston about to cut the cake

She looked so beautiful on that day

Our boss for the day, Heaven the flowergirl

This was one of the best weddings that I've been to in a long time. The weather was perfect for an outdoor wedding. Just enough white puffy clouds and the temperature was 80 degrees. The wedding started at 5:00 which was great because the sun was not directly overhead. I will never forget my best friend's wedding....it is the only one that I have ever cried at. I didn't even cry at my own wedding....I was just ready to be married. Until later...adios!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Physical Therapy

Well, it is now day 3 of my physical therapy. I will have to say this......as long as you do the work you will feel the improvement. Yes, I'm still in pain, but I found out exactly what is wrong with me. Here goes:

1) My sciatic nerve is pulled not pinched
2) My muscles, other nerves, and tendons are all pulled on the left side of my behind
3) My left pelvic bone is basically locked in a backward facing position

My therapist says that it's odd seeing is how when you are pregnant everything in your pelvis region is supposed to be loose and stretchy. Well, my right side is loose while the left side is not. I have been told my entire life that I'm in the 2% of American who are just weird.....I told me therapist this and she agreed that I am in the 2% of weird pregnancy patients seeking physical therapy. I am only 19 weeks along and I have had swelling for several weeks now....again she said that was not normal and my OB/GYN agrees with her.

So far my pain is still there, but I don't have to walk funny in order to be more comfortable and I've had no screamming episodes for the past 2 days. This may not be exciting new to some, but to me and Josh it is a real blessing. Anyways, that's all for now.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

It's been a long time....

Piper Marie Stiles @ 16 weeks

Me at almost 19 weeks

Josh and me comparing bellies.

Time to be cute.

Well, since I was last on here Josh and I found out that we are going to have a baby. Yes, that's right I said a baby. She is to be born on October 31. We (actually I) decided to name her Piper Marie Stiles. As of now I am alost 19 weeks along. It has not been an easy road so far. In the first trimester I lost a total of 9 pounds and have since gained 4 of those pounds back. It was all thanks to the morning sickness. I am still dealing with the morning sickness at least twice a week and I am always nauseated followed by heartburn.
When I hit the 17th week I developed severe lower back and left hip pain. This is all thanks to a skating injury from the 6th grade.....I cracked my tailbone. Apparently I have nerve damage now that I get to deal with. Walking, sleeping, sitting, standing, and pretty much everything that I do hurts really badly. My worst episodes happen after 5pm everyday.....which leave me in tears and fighting to keep the screams away. Last night was the worst I have ever felt in my life. All I did was twist maybe 4 inches to the left on my couch and I actually had a blood curdling scream that scared me. Kind of funny though because I didn't know I had that kind of power in my lungs. I am on muscle relaxers and awaiting the physical therapist to set of my appointment. If these things don't alleviate the pain then I could be put on bed rest and I don't want that. Anyways, that's about all for now. I will be posting more often as life starts to unfold for us. Enjoy the pictures that have been taken with my new camera.