Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dance Camp

From the middle of June until the end of July I was giving private dance lessons to some of the Jr. High Pom Squad girls in my town. Piper went with me almost everyday. We would be working for 5 hours on average and she'd be awake from 5:30 am until 3 in the afternoon and then we'd both come home and crash on the couch until 6 or 7 every evening.

At the end of July I got the opportunity to do camp again like I did last Summer for the team. I had a lot of fun and Piper enjoyed seeing the girls dance, spending time with her baby buddy Ezrah and my friend Kelly, and my mom (Gi-Gi). Pretty soon I get to do another dance for them.....Hip Hop! I love creating dance routines and then teaching it to the girls. This team is full of many different personalities and I'm so not ready for Piper to hit that age yet! HAHA! No, really I love working with the 7th to 9th grade girls. They listen much better than the average 16 or 17 year old because they don't have a car yet.

I'm hoping to be able to meet with the whole team every week to teach them new and exciting things in the dance world. They are going to competition this Fall and I hope they do great!


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