Monday, March 7, 2011

School and being a mom

Well, the snow that hit our part of the world has been gone for a little while.  We were glad that it was here, but even happier once it left.  That is the good thing about college is that you don't have to make up the missed days due to the weather, but it puts our class behind in our assignments.  Piper and I have just been keeping busy with trying to keep up with my school work and her play time.

Sadly Piper has been sick for the past 2 weeks with allergies, teething, and a cold.  She is finally almost over it and I am ready to get a decent nights sleep in my own bed again...haha!

She loves her bathtime!

Well, midterms have started and will continue until the end of next week and then it will be a week of vacation for us!  I am really looking forward to just being able to do hang out with Piper and work some more on my designs.  I am really looking forward to this semester being over because I GET TO GRADUATE!!!!!!  It may only just be an Associates in Art, but hey I'm just going to be happy having A college degree.  Anyways that's all.  I have a midterm to get ready for and a little girl to take care of.

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