Monday, May 17, 2010

Workout Update

Well, to update on the workout......last week Piper and I did a total of 18 miles from Wednesday until Saturday. It is only monday and we are already starting the week off right....10.5 miles done so we are one third on our way to this week's goal of 30 miles.

Tonight Piper and I joined two other moms for our evening walk, my friend Kelly and her son Ezrah and her friend Natisha and her daughter Kinley. It was alot of fun to walk with 2 other moms instead of just going by myself. I've also joined Kelly's playgroup and the best part is that all of the girls live in Lincoln or close by so I don't have to go far for my first time this Thursday. I'm so excited!!!!!

Right now Josh and I are enjoying Piper laughing hysterically at me for no reason. She is such a funny girl. Today she has learned how to wave hi and we are still working on how to wave bye-bye.

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