Friday, May 21, 2010

Walking and Playgroup

This will be another pictureless post. I'm sorry for so many of these this week that have no pictures.

Anyways, you all know that I started walking almost 2 weeks ago. Well, I love to walk mostly in the early evening hours because the sun is going down and it is much cooler, but I hate to walk alone with Piper at that time because we worry Josh almost to the point of sickness. Well, as of this past Monday Piper and I no longer have to walk by ourselves in the evening. A facebook friend and I have hooked up together for evening walks with our kids in tow. It is so much fun having a friend to walk with. Sometimes her friend Natisha and her daughter Kendel walk with us. Last night Kelly and I did 6 miles......that puts my week to 23.5 miles now. I'm really hoping to break my goal of 30 miles for the week. I'm not dieting or anything like that and I can already see a HUGE improvement on my waistline.

Okay, on to another note......Piper and I went to our first playgroup yesterday at Kelly's house. There were 5 moms and 12 kids.....WOW! Can we say CRAZY!!! Piper just kept checking everybody out and tried to get into everything while we were there. She even managed to take about a 40 minute nap amongst all of the chaos and excitement. She is the one who started the whole naptime yesterday. We can't wait to go to another one. I'm so excited to FINALLY be making some mommy friends that live within walking distance of my house.

I swear I'm going to have to get another pair of running shoes before summer is up because of all the miles I'm packing into my current ones......(thanks mom).

That's all.

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